「Signature Action」 solo Exhibition

Signature Action – Lee Yung-Chih solo Exhibition

“Up Up Raise your head    Up Up Raise your hand   Up Up Think of your own signature action

Up Up Fling your head   Up Up Twist a bit  Hey Come On Everybody Everyone was seduced by you
Up Up Fling your head   Up Up Twist a bit  Hey Come On Everybody   You control his sight
Pause for a second  Have you think about it  There is no right or wrong and remember don’t do anything
Once you found myself You will remember just after a glance  There will be no happiness if you follow the trend”

Similar to the above lyrics of Signature Action by Taiwanese pop singer Jolin Tsai, Signature Action as a consciously presented “pretentious” gesture, “personal style” has then become a situation when the more you tried to cover up, the more you revealed and that was something that people had already knew. It is a way to be into the character that really likes to act.  

Direct and simple, there is no intention to miss anything. Familiar signs and text, it is best to let everybody knows what was that. So, what really was that?

I collected images from my surroundings. It was merely because I like this way of working to achieve my own style. My signature action, that was the imaginative residue of the reality, full of hope yet close to death.

I always look at things more seriously, because for me things were complicated. Hence I would like to create a simplest way of communication, similar to “condensed” fruit juice or cooking pack. It is fast to play a character, nothing will happen if we jumped down together. However, there is one thing to remember, which is “to play yourself” is not hard at all.

That is, just look at me like that since if it is so. Ask me why I want to do such stupid thing? Just like this advertisement slogan “Because you deserve it”. Based on these exchange values, signboard became my “Spokeobject”, a total opposite to “Spokeperson”. If to run into problems is not because of the problem of the artwork itself, but because of the creators’ taste, then I have to be fully responsible. 

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