Too Hot…Yet So Cold – LEE Yung Chih solo Exhibition

Multi-channel projection installation, print photograph, metal support, PP woven fabric, charcoal,document
Dimensions variable

From occasionally being a recycling auditor to having been one.

How do I recall my visits to the recycling rooms at those apartment complexes? The intricate exchanges of emotions between people? Social and environmental issues have become the battleground of modern morality; they seem significant, yet perhaps not so much.

Can we simply return to the essence of things? Things are just things; any description or feeling attached to them is imposed by humans. Can there be something universal, abstract, and profound, Like death? External things don’t perish; perhaps they signify a kind of eternity.

It's like encountering a recycling device of one apartment and likening it to a straightforward art installation in a museum. It's merely an “object.”

So, I envision a "broken" recycling bin frame. Apart from accommodating the folds of the FIBC bags that bear the weight of physical garbage, it is also partially suspended, serving as projection mapping playing on the screen. It projects photos of the vibrant, flamboyant recycled items—the so-called memories of the people—from each complex

Too hot, yet so cold; too cold, yet so hot. Because it's not too important, each time it's said differently.

Like the Taoist concept of Yin and Yang, everything complements each other, and lack is compensation.

In the experience of being an auditor, I remember the weather was scorching, but the words felt icy. Encountering so much within a single day, I felt as though I had changed, yet remained the same.

I have explained, but for the speaker, the speech, and the listener, all three are indispensable.

Sometimes, I didn’t know what I was doing. Later, I realized this was the most precious part. And now I hope this is something I can always do, something everybody is aware of.

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